Nick: Bootweiser
06-03-2014 10:32:36
Ty fole Stabrr se teď nějak často koukne lahvi na dno a pak tu vypisuje nesmysle skoro jako nějaký fanoušek Ortelu. ![]() |
Nick: peddy
06-03-2014 06:50:42
Stabac: presne, a jak je psano v koranu,nejlepsi to je po ranu ![]() ![]() |
Nick: Stabber
06-03-2014 00:50:34
To je ovšem cenná informace,že se v sobotu zleješ jako zvíře.Znamenám si ![]() |
Nick: peddy
Home page:
05-03-2014 22:35:17
tak určitě kucí, zektra nic nebude, připravená je recenze na Lost and Found...nová německá kapela, ale nestihnu to přeložit ![]() ![]() |
Nick: Phil
05-03-2014 21:56:22
Matty - but what if lots of people like the band (because they're good)? Do you only let the first 500 through the door? ![]() Just thinking about when people like Sparrer or The Last Resort play in front of thousands. People give them shit for it, but what's the alternative when you're a famous band? Play in small pubs, even though it means that most people won't be able to get tickets - and people will be re-selling tickets on the internet for 10x face value, because they know that people are desperate to get in? ACAB were good at first, but then they decided that they wanted to be rockstars. They started calling themselves 'The ACAB' and trying to sound like The Jam, or something. The vid that Peddy posted is a great example of where they went wrong. They lost a lot of their long-term fans - who didn't come back when their new fans got bored of them... |
Nick: Matty
05-03-2014 20:49:55
Phil: Just look at it,. Peddy killed it with them ACAB i mean What the fuck ??? Them wanking retards with degenerated eyes are like doing a career? Fuck my life.. :) That has nothing to do with Skins for me, no matter from what point of view i look at it.. It´s just my opinion, I don´t mean to tell the others to think like me. And I definitely don´t care about any race. I think a skinhead band at a festival with more than 500 people is simply wrong.. Skinhead is a way of thinking, point of view and attitude for me, not just playing music and having fun. And no idea why I´m so serious just now im pretty pissed lifewise.
Nick: Stabber
05-03-2014 19:24:02
Jo,Peddy,proč jsi to ještě neudělal????????????
Nick: Piss off
05-03-2014 18:37:50
Peddy, is this guy here being racist again??? Why did you not put your foot in his ass yet? | | | V |
Nick: Stabber
05-03-2014 18:10:30
Budu se opakovat - interpunkce mi vyčítá někdo,kdo má chyby - GRAMATICKÉ - a překlepy ve svých recenzích.Svět se zbláznil ![]() Poláci smrdí a nečistí si zuby,woe.A nosí jednu mikinu dvacet let ![]() |
Nick: peddy
Home page:
05-03-2014 17:02:43
Stabbáč: no aspoň je to česky ten příspěvek. Ještě ty mezery za interpunkcí a bude to v cajku ![]() ![]() |