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Nick: Phil
14-06-2014 19:32:07
I think that tapes are becoming popular again, for some reason. I'm really not sure why.

Maybe it's because Brendan Radigan likes them?

I just have a little tape recorder hooked through the headphone socket to my stereo. Works well enough for now. smajlik 1

On that same label (Tape Or Die) the Fat Tonies are supposed to be good. I might get their tape, when he makes some more.

Nick: peddy
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14-06-2014 08:56:31
Phil: I know them from some compilation from Oi! the Boat...but I am not into tapes

Nick: Phil
13-06-2014 20:44:01
Did you get this yet?

It says punks, but it's definitely an oi! band. Sort of 'skins n punks' (skunx?) thing. I've been listening to this today.

Also, in line with something previously discussed, the cover will probably really upset some people. smajlik 12

Nick: Phil
12-06-2014 09:29:29
Those Fenix Skins will be buying that for sure. smajlik 1

But on the same label: Rile 9 Collective - To Walk In Truth. I can't remember if I told you about that before. They're a new band.

Definitely get that one when you have the opportunity. I love it!

Nick: peddy
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12-06-2014 07:13:09
Phil: I think I shouldn´t have this smajlik 12

Nick: Phil
11-06-2014 22:23:20
Guys - in case you're interested...

I don't think I'll get this myself. I think it's something that would be funny to listen to about three times - but then get put away and never played again.

Nick: Phil
07-06-2014 20:13:45
Vlad - if you're reading this now, could you please check your Spam folder? I've been trying to email you!

Nick: Stabber
06-06-2014 19:04:13
Peddy : Kdepak,tak lacino by jsi se neprodal,to by muselo být alespoň 88 sudů piva smajlik 1

Boot : Asio Tě nechám shodit z vrtulníku smajlik 14 Ať žije Allende!!

Nick: Bootweiser
06-06-2014 16:12:43
Tady už to začíná vypadat jak na Fb profilu jednoho nejmenovaného Chemtrails fanatika z Brna smajlik 12Stejbr,mě je fuk jestli je někdo zedník nebo zednář,důležitá je kvalita stavby smajlik 1.Oni padali někde nevinní občané z vrtulníků,proboha kde,takové zvěrstvo smajlik 12

Nick: peddy
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06-06-2014 14:22:59
ONI mě už našli smajlik 12 když jsem byl v Jeruzalémě tak mě kontaktovali, krz Zeď nářků, to nešlo odmítnout. K obědu jsem dostal šoulet a gefilte fish smajlik 12

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