Aires and Graces - Damage Done
Bruised Knuckles Records - EP -

All in Brawl - s/t
4Subculture Records - CD - 17:45

Anti Clockwise/Open Violence - Mittlerdeutscher Untergrund Vol.2
DIY - EP -

Anti Clockwise/Rien ne vas Plus - Zusammenhalt
DIY - EP -

Antipati - Quattro Stagioni
Pretty Shitty Town Records - EP -

Antonella´s Klasse Kriminale - Phoenix
Razorwire Records - CD - 33:00

Argy Bargy/THUG - s/t
Randale Records - EP -

Assedio/Cruel Revenge - s/t
Strength Thru Oi!/Rebound Action/Skins Rules Recor - CD - 30:12

Backstreet Firm - s/t
Skinhead Beat Records - CD - 28:40

Backstreet Firm/Rampage - Mittlerdeutscher Untergrund Vol.3
DIY - EP -

Blind Alley Dogs/Albert Fish - Friendship
Zerowork/Graver/Your Poison/Oi! Tapes Records - CD - 30:35

Bombardiers - Saraba Nakama
UVPR Vinyles - LP -

Booze and Glory - Trouble Free
84 Records - CD - 56:37

Bottlejob - Take it on the Chin
Casuals Records - CD - 43:00

Breakout - Hitting the Canvas
ENG Records - CD - 21:37

Brokk/Enhärjarna - I Frostdimmans Hemvist
Odin Productions - CD - 36:09

Bronco Army/Bulldroogs - s/t
Shout Proud Records - EP -

Chlastarbeiter - R.I.P.
DIY - CD - 39:02

Citizen Keyne - Unity
Mother Fuckin´ Sounds - CD - 46:57

Clockwork Crew - På Svenska
Pretty Shitty Town Records - LP -

Close Shave - Lone Riders
Dim Records - CD - 48:12
Cock Sparrer - Running Riot in 84´
Randale Records - EP -

Condemned 84 - In from the Darkness
Haunted Town Records - CD - 39:57

Control - Punk Rock Ruined My Life
Step 1 Records - CD - 43:49

Daniel Landa - Československo 2008 tour
Sony Music - DVD -

Dead On´s - Letters from..
Street Beat Records - CD - 16:09

Discharger - Our Hate is Justified
Rebellion Records - CD - 39:06

Discharger/Jenny Woo - Clockwork Patriots
Randale Records - CD - 35:53

Disturbed Mother Fucker/Hammered Mother Fucker - Looking for Trouble Volume 4
Mother Fuckin´ Sounds - CD - 35:32

Downlow NYHC - Wall of Anger
United Riot Records - CD - 15:37

Dr.Martins - Legado Sulista
Hostile Class Productions - CD - 35:30

F.A.V.L - Cemento e Follia
Strength Thru Oi!/Pull the Trigger/Skins Rules Rec - CD - 22:07

Faccao Opposta - Una Só Voz
Ediciones Limitadas/True Force Records - EP -

Flatfoot 56 - Black Thorn
People Like You Records - CD - 39:51

Freigänger - Demo 2011
Freigang Records - CD - 26:12

Frontline Soldiers - Oath of Loyalty
United Riot Records - EP -

Gatans Lag - Boraspolisen Blues
Pretty Shitty Town Records - EP -

Hais&Fiers - Timebomb
Oi! Ain´t Red Records - CD - 17:28

Harrington Saints/Booze and Glory - s/t
Longshot Music/Pirates Press/Maximum Rock´n´Roll - EP -

Heroes - Force Unleashed
Olifant Records - CD - 57:49

Horrorshow - Alex Go!
Olifant Records - CD - 20:59

Hot Rod Frankie - Uncover Discover Recover
Dim Records - CD - 40:26

I Don´t Like You - Keine Reue
Oi! Ain´t Red Records - CD - 43:51

Insidious Skins - The First Kick
DIY - EP -

Jenny Woo - Alberta Rose
Randale Records - CD - 38:30

Join the Rejects - The Real Oi! from La
Crowbar Records/Actua Records - LP -

Kalevalan Viikingit - Hail Norden
Hostile Class Productions - LP -

Kids of the Streets - Get Off!!!
Bruised Knuckles/Street Influence/StereoBit - EP -

Lamkotze/Gewohnheitstrinker - Das Gelbe vom Oi!
Randale Records - LP -

Last Riot - Zurück auf den Strassen
Aggressive Zone Records - CD - 37:32

Last Seen Laughing - Where we Belong
Randale Records - CD - 45:13

Legitime Violence - Nouvelle-France Skinhead
DIY - CD - 36:45

Maraboots - s/t
UVPR Vinyles - EP -

Marching Orders - Nothing New
Longshot Music/Bords de Seine - CD - 51:23

Marching Orders - Days Gone By
Rebellion Records - CD - 39:48

Marching Orders - Nation of Ghosts
Contra Records/Longshot Music - EP -

Mercancias - s/t
Crowbar Records/Hostile Class Productions - EP -

Municia - Koncentrovaný hnev
DIY - CD - 32:08

Noi!se - This Is Who We Are
Contra Records/Longshot Music/Durty Mike Records - LP -

Noi!se/The Gestalts - s/t
Oi! the Boat Records - EP -

Núcleo Duro - Sporting Hooligans
Forca Bruta Discos - EP -

Oldfashioned Ideas - Figh Back
Norrlandsshit/Switchlight/Hommage de Poule Records - EP -

On the Job - A Bag full of Brew
Contra Records - CD - 32:43

Ondrej Ďurica - Zdvihnutý prst
Nitranski rytieri - CD - 42:21

Open Violence - Skinhead Rules
Aggressive Zone Records - CD - 13:43

Overload - Godkiller
Mother Fuckin´ Sounds - CD - 36:00

Paris Violence/Kid Chaos - Confins de l´Enfer
KB Records - EP -

Pressure 28 - Unified
DIY - CD - 38:22

Pretty Shitty Kjell Event - s/t
Pretty Shitty Kjell - DVD - 85:00

Prins Carl - New Order
Noise of Sweden - CD - 42:17

Rabies - Just Jump
DIY - CD - 15:00

Rape and Plunder - First Blood
Olifant Records - CD - 38:07

Razorblade - Gegen die Masse
Rebellion Records - CD - 39:56

Razorblade - The Early Years
Rebellion Records - CD - 52:06

Razorblade/Suckered In - s/t
Street Justice Records - EP -

S.V.Z. - Viva la Underground
DIY - CD - 33:24

Scum - Fight Goes On (The Collection)
Mother Fuckin´ Sounds - CD - 64:39

Skinboiss - Skinhaed Action
Oi! Ain´t Red Records - CD - 32:00

Slick 46 - Hurry Up
Contra Records/Longshot Music - CD - 24:03

Stamford Bridge/Bastards Choir - s/t
Oi! the Boat Records - EP -

Stomper 98 - Antisocial
Sunny Bastards Records - CD - 22:00

Stomper 98/45 Adapters - s/t
Randale Records - EP -

Stomper 98/Bootstroke - s/t
Randale Records - EP -

Straight Jacket - NPAS
NorrdlandSShit Records - EP -

Straw Dogs - The Angry Silence
DIY - CD - 34:30

Strongbow/Razors in the Night - s/t
Contra Records/Longshot Music - EP -

Sydney Ducks - Esprit de Corps
Pirates Press Records - EP -

Tailgunner - Sing Alongs and Gatling Guns
4Subculture Records - CD - 45:17

Tha Sandals - Sandals Army
Olifant Records - CD - 25:24

The Barons/The Incited - Songs from Mason-Dixon
4Subculture Records - CD - 36:38

The Clichés/The Templars - s/t
Randale Records - EP -

The Firm/The Pride - Looking for Trouble Vol.3
Mother Fuckin´ Sounds - CD - 28:43

The Granits - Ehrlich Hart und Laut
Oldschool Records - CD - 41:42

The Junkers - Teraz i Zawsze i na Wieky Wieków
Olifant Records - CD - 59:51

The Junkers - Now and Forever and For Years to Come
Hostile Class Productions - CD - 59:49

The Krays - Sangre
Street Justice/Dead City Records - CD - 48:46

The London Diehards - There´s Lies, Damn Lies and there´s
Middlesaxon Music - CD - 36:34

The London Diehards - Great Britain
Rock´n´Roll Disgrace - EP -

The Negatives/Vitiators - Switchlight Records Split Vol.1
Switchlight Records - CD - 25:10

The Nerks - Greatest Hits Volume
Dirty Old Man/Dead Lamb/Weird Records - CD - 26:00

The Old Firm Casuals - We Want the Lions Share
Randale Records - EP -

The Old Firm Casuals - s/t
Oi! the Boat Records - EP -

The Old Firm Casuals - Army of One
Oi! the Boat Records - EP -

The Old Firm Casuals/Insane Dogs - Them Against Us
Randale Records - EP -

The Old Firm Casuals/The Last Resort - s/t
Oi! the Boat Records - EP -

The Pistones - s/t
Iseland Records - EP -

The Righteous - 9 Days we Hung
Pure Impact Records - CD - 49:01

The Septic Psychos - Two Wrongs Make a Riot
Dirty Old Man/Weird Records - CD - 12:37

Tommy and the Terrors - Problem Reaction Solution
4Subculture Records - CD - 72:10

Ultima Thule - Svea Hjältar
Dim Records - CD - 36:48

Ultima Thule - The Early Years 1984-87
Dim Records - CD - 53:35

Ultima Thule - Once Upon A Time - A Collection of Raven Tales
Dim Records - CD - 59:39

Ultima Thule - Vikingabalk
Dim Records - CD - 42:41

Unit Lost - Asfalt
Punks and Skins Records - CD - 29:33

Unit Six - Infection
Oi! the Boat Records - EP -

v/a - United Skins for Freedom of Speech
Oi! Ain´t Red Records - CD -

v/a - Made in Japan
Mother Fuckin´ Sounds - CD -

v/a - Japan-Thailand Connection
Bronze Fist Records - CD - 44:32

v/a - Oi! the Support
Pretty Shitty Town Records - CD - 79:26

v/a - Oi! this is Streetpunk
Longshot Music/Pirates Press - LP -

Vogelfrei - Der dämmerung entgegen
Street Justice Records - CD - 42:42

Vortex - Live und Lustig
Rebellion Records - CD - 52:43

Warrior Kids - s/t
Randale Records - EP -

West Side Boys - Reste fier
Bords de Seine/Randale Records - CD - 51:31