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Nick: peddy
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06-12-2012 20:36:26
SPO: tomorrow will be Jenny Woo worries smajlik 20

Nick: Vlad_the_Bulldog
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06-12-2012 16:41:53
smajlik 13 Love Peace Anacrhy smajlik 12

Nick: peddy
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06-12-2012 16:39:18
Pissed off: well thanks to this page you know about how bad are Aggro Knuckle now

Nick: Still Pissed off
06-12-2012 16:13:24
Also, look at who BRE they share a cd with here.

I only just saw this page. Short Cropped complain in a song about people unfairly saying that they're Nazis and then they do a song for shit like this???

Sometimes the oi! scene makes me feel really sad.

Nick: Pissed off
06-12-2012 16:03:32
Why you put neo-Nazi bastards on your front page?

There is too many people in the oi! scene calling each other Nazis without proof or for silly reasons, but here with Blood Red Eagle, there is no question! They are 100% bonehead.


and look who they appear on cd with

Also: fuck Aggro Knuckle for being friends with these. I thought they were all-right before but not now.

Nick: Phil
01-12-2012 14:01:11
There are communists to rock against in the Canary Islands? Wow. smajlik 8

Vlad - I have a few Asian oi! CDs myself. Japan/Malaysia/Indonesia. Do you have a list of things for sale anywhere? Or a Discogs/eBay page?

Speaking of Japan - what do you think of Crawler? I know they only have about 5 songs (I think they're still together though) but they have an amazing sound. I don't think that they've ever been interviewed in English either, so *someone* probably should do that... hehehehe smajlik 17

Nick: peddy
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01-12-2012 09:27:19
Phil: there was also Oi! (or RAC) band from Canary Islands (Spain) called Conemrad

Nick: Vlad_the_Bulldog
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30-11-2012 23:05:41
Phil: I don´t know any Oi! band from Vatican but if you want, I am a big collector of Asian Oi! so if you´re interesten in Oi!/Skinhead bands from Hong Kong, China, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, etc.. No problem to help you. There´s more than 100 CDs + loads of EPs .o) smajlik 3

Nick: peddy
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30-11-2012 23:00:33
Phil: no problem, let me know what you think about the bands...also try Pass the Bottle from Belarus

Nick: Phil
30-11-2012 22:24:11
Thanks, Peddy.

Vlad - if the Vatican had an oi! band, I would check that out. I bet it would be awesome.

Actually, I might have heard Icelandic oi! before - but I forget the name of the band. I think it was on one of those old 'Oi! Rare & Exotica" comps...

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